The Ultimate Homeowners Guide – Part 1

February 28, 2020

The Homeowners Guide Part 1

You’ve got your home loan and dealt with the architect, notary, and property consultant, and found your perfect property. You’ve signed the contract and picked up the keys – congratulations! Your new role as a homeowner has just begun!

As property experts with over 35 years’ experience in real estate, we’ve helped countless new buyers into their first home. Over the years, we’ve picked up some great tips for those stepping into their new role as property owners. Our Homeowners’ Guide should serve to help you think ahead to save time and money and avoid annoying troubles. These tips and tricks should help make your home ownership experience as easy as possible. 

Home Insurance

If you have a home loan, it’s likely you also had to take out home insurance. You should take another look at your policy to be sure it isn’t too much or too little coverage. 

Tips for a long & happy life with your appliances

  • Clean air-conditioner filters every year
  • Doing some routine cleaning every week will keep your appliances running in tip-top condition and save you the hassle of a big clean
  • Keep the manuals of major appliances like the washing machine, dishwasher, and fridge to hand, especially for the first few months of use
  • Go through the breakers in your circuit box and label them – this will make things easier for you later on

Washing machine

  • Don’t overload
  • Be careful of foreign objects getting stuck inside
  • Keep an eye on the water supply hose and replace when worn out
  • Keep manuals and warranties in a file for future reference


  • Clean the condenser coils (on the back) when they get dusty
  • Defrost your freezer at least twice a year to keep up its efficiency
  • Your fridge should be cleared out and sanitised every month, getting rid of old or expired food


  • Clean every week 
  • Use a drip pan at the bottom of the oven, cover it with foil for a quick and easy clean up of any spills


If you have a garden or pool you’ll need some maintenance supplies. The exact tools and/or cleaning equipment will depend on your situation. Garden – soil, fertiliser, watering can, hand trowel, pruning shears. Pool – cleaning equipment, chemicals.

Your handyman

Your handyman should be someone reliable, trustworthy, and skilled. Ask around neighbours and friends for recommendations. You can also ask on the Facebook group Are You Being Served for a reliable handyman in your area. They should be able to handle minor plumbing and electrical work.


  • Mosquitos – If you have any open standing water like a well, garden fountain, or pool you will encounter mosquitos. Consider covering any open water containers or draining your pool in winter.
  • Rodents can quickly become a big problem. Cover any sizeable drain openings with mesh and don’t leave pet food out at night. 
  • Ants are very common in the Maltese Islands. If you have an ant problem try out some natural pest control, or consult the experts.

Energy Saving

Consider installing a solar water heater and/or solar panels to make use of Malta’s abundant sunlight.  The government has offered grants for the installation of these Eco-friendly solutions. 

Smart Saver

Start a house fund for expenses and/or additions. 

Not happy with your home?

Looking for a new place to live?

We have got you covered. Whether you are in the market for your first or second home, or even a holiday home, our friendly property consultants will make your search painless. Get in touch with us today by calling freephone 8007 4949, emailing us at, or sending us a private message on Facebook.